Database updated with data from 13 Feb 2025 22:30:29.
The value entered to this input is also matched against alternate names (aditional last names). Search value can be :
Given name
Search value can be :
Narrows the search down to a specific country. If no value is selected, country criteria is not used.
Filters the results to a specific gender, if selected. Otherwise returns runners with both genders.
Birth date from
Limits the results to runners born after or at the selected date.
Birth date till
Limits the results to runners born before or at the selected date.
Qualified by
Detailed description can be found on homepage in the Criteria for Inclusion in the ARRS Database section. Elite tier are referred as "Time", sub-elite are "Other".
Items per page
Allows to change the number of results per one page to lower the amount of pages
Shows the gender of the runner.
Current citizenship of the runner.
Given name
Given name of the runner.
Surname of the runner.
Alternate name
All alternate names of the runner.
Birth date
Birth date of the runner. If no exact date is known, the result is shown with precision of month or year depending on source data.
Qualified by
Detailed description can be found on homepage in the Criteria for Inclusion in the ARRS Database section. Elite tier are referred as "Time", sub-elite are "Other".
- shows detailed information about the runner.
- adds the runner to the list of runners used in head to head comparison.