Database updated with data from 13 Feb 2025 21:54:43.
Limits the results to a specific year. If no year is selected, all-time results are shown.
Limits the results to runners to the ones with citizenship of selected country.
Limits the results to specific types of events.
Limits the results to specific distances.
Limits the results based on the gender.
List type
All performances - all performances of the runner matching the criteria will be listed.
Best performance of the runner - only the best performance will be listed.
Number of results shown
Limits the result to specific number of records if required.
Result of the runner. Shows time or distance, depending on the race type.
Flag of the result quality. Detailed description can be found on homepage in the Ranking and Record Criteria section.
Position of the runner in the finishers list. Character = marks ties. Character ? marks estimated results. DQ marks disqualified results, DNF marks "did not finish".
Full name of the runner.
Birth date
Birth date of the runner. If no exact date is known, the date is shown with precision of month or year depending on source data.
Race date
Date of the event.
Location of the event.
- links to the runner profile page.
- links to the race profile page.